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the Impact

Advancing education and research

on neuromuscular diseases 


We work towards a cure for neuromuscular diseases

through research, education, and financial assistance.

The Starratt Family Foundation was founded for the purpose of advancing education and research in the area of neuromuscular diseases. We believe that we can maximize the effectiveness of the Foundation by creating partnerships to leverage the impact of the funds provided by our donors. In addition to our main purpose, we also look for ways to support enhanced accessibility for those with disabilities.




Support Medical Research & Drug Trials

Research For Genetic & Physical Therapies

Advancing Education

& Awareness  

Partner with us to create lasting change

for families affected by neuromuscular diseases.

Financial Gifts

Our donors are people of all ages and from all walks of life. Their gifts may be large or small, but all our donors make a difference.


We actively seek partnerships to increase the effectiveness of our work. We partner with the Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry and contribute to medical research at the University of Calgary.

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