Strategic Partnerships
We are very lucky to have many great partnerships which include community members, institutions and individuals. In order to maximize the impact of our donors, The Starratt Family Foundation actively seeks partnership to increase the effectiveness of our work. We are proud of the following relationship:
Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry
The Canadian Neuromuscular Disease Registry (CNDR) is a Canada wide registry of people diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease. This registry currently houses data on over 1850 patients from 12 of the 13 provinces and territories. The registry enrolls patients in specialty neuromuscular clinics across the country and for patients not accessing specialty care, registration is mediated through the CNDR National Office. The CNDR Investigator Network encompasses over 40 individuals across 13 academic institutions and 27 clinical sites. The Starratt Family Foundation has provided significant financial support to the registry since 2012 facilitating SMA patient enrollment and data collection.