Please join us on Saturday, April 30, 2016 for a fun night of poker in support of the Starratt Family Foundation.
Over the last four years this event has raised over $150,000 for this important cause. Our goal is to make this year's event the best ever!
Arrive at 6PM, Poker starts at 7PM
Location: Mark, Jennifer, and Alex Starratt's home
119 Varsity Estates Terrace NW
Tickets: $350 (all major credit cards are accepted)
Silent Auction - 6 Poker Tables - Open Bar - Catered Appetizers
Silent auction items are greatly appreciated. If you are unable to come, but would like to make a contribution, we are happy to provide you with a tax receipt.
If you are going to be drinking, please make arrangements to get home safely. A car service will be made available at the end of the evening.